Safeguard Risk Solutions has developed the Mobile Emergency Response Plan (MERP), a web and mobile (available on Apple iOS and Android Google Play) application that stores an organization’s emergency operations plans. The application, both web, and mobile allows for staff to have immediate access to policies and procedures in MERP for and in response to an emergency incident. The web application also allows a facility’s emergency manager, safety officer, or facility-assigned individual to import/customize their facility’s emergency operations plans onto MERP. Once the content is added and saved into MERP, content is pushed out on the mobile MERP application for users to access and view. Typically, facilities have either colored flip-charts or binders with tabs that provide response procedures for specific emergency incidents (e.g., fire, evacuation, flood/thunderstorm, etc.) that are stored at each department’s desk or near other emergency alerting systems (e.g., fire panel, security system). MERP is an electronic application that augments paper emergency operations plans. Emergency operations plan binders/documents do not and should not contain any Personal Information or any other confidential information.Users Types for MERP:Facility/Safety/Emergency managers or directorsAll staff employeesExternal staff such as coaches and substitutesInformation stored in MERP:Non-confidentialNo Personal InformationFacility policies and procedures for MERP and responding to emergency incidents such as, but not limited to:FireFlood/Thunderstorm/TornadoEvacuationAccess issues due to unsafe conditionsShelter In PlaceUtility/Infrastructure failureEmergency contact phone numbersFloor plans (limited visibility based on user)